Squid Power Cable

Do you feel like you are always forgetting to pack a cable? Or always untangling the 5 different cables? The multi-ended USB cable is the answer for these questions. I always pack it when traveling for work and use another around the house. It has reduced the amount of clutter all around. The multi-ended USB cable has cales that are compatible with a variety of devices (phones, speakers, headphones,…).

I’ve mentioned this squid charger cable in a few other posts, so I wanted to highlight it on its own. This multi-end USB power cord is awesome for travel or camping. It combines the major USB types for many devices into a single cable.

I was first introduced to this type of cord at a trade show as a free give away, it broke in less than two months! It was also only six inches long and didn’t offer much workable charging space. The replacement I found on Amazon is much better quality and has a 4 foot cord. They come in all different configurations of connectors, the one I selected has two Apple lightning, a USB Type-C, and a Micro USB connector on one end and a regular power USB (Type-A) on the other end.

I bring this USB cable and the Portable Solar Battery with me on all my trips and it is all I use for charging my devices. Normally I connect my iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy 8 during the flight and then I connect all my devices to charge up once at the Hotel.

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