Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector - ZWave

A major benefit to adding smart devices to the home is being able to monitor the home while away.

I was wondering How to get a smoke alarm on my phone? The FirstAlert ZWave based smoke and carbon monoxide detector will act as both a stand-alone home detector and remote monitoring detector.

We had recently had a carbon monoxide detector fail and after price checking it was easy to upgrade from standard to a smart Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detector by First Alert ( The smoke and CO detector pairs with the SmartThings Hub and can tie into the home security aspects for alarming while we are away.

We have one installed in the main area of the basement and another in the main hallway by the bedrooms. Not only does this notify our cell phones if we’re away, we also have it setup to turn on lights in the home if any alarm is detected.

As for the failed unit, it happened at the most inopportune time and comes with a story! On Halloween night 2019, we got back from a long night at the neighbors trick-or-treating. About five (5) minutes after putting the kids to bed, the Carbon Monoxide detector started beeping. After replacing the batteries twice the beeping continued. We got the kids up and sent them back to the neighbors while I called CenterPoint Energy. The technician said there was no risk and that the device was 7 years old and had failed. He said that a single beep every 30 seconds indicates that the detector has gone bad. We ordered this one the next day (on Amazon of course).